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The Digression Podcast

Chris and Jody are Air Force vets who enjoy military history and folklore. This is their podcast. They tell stories. They digress. A lot.

Mar 31, 2020

Space Force completes its first mission; No movement for the military; North Korea wants help with coronavirus cases it doesn’t have; Military COVID19 cases top civilian; The Air Force opens a new boot camp; Pentagon publishes pandemic guidance for commanders; The military pitches in with masks and vents; The Navy provides Comfort and Mercy to those in need; Billions for Defense and VA in emergency stimulus package; TRICARE COVID19 test kit scam; Countries using phones to track virus patients; and soon the US will, too; Army and Navy testing the recall waters; Power with others or some shit; New Prez for Top Aces

Show notes at

Sound-off! with questions or comments!

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